BedJet V1 VS V2: What’s The Difference?

So you’re looking to buy a BedJet. But stumbled upon two versions — BedJet V1 and BedJet V2 — and you’re probably wondering, what’s the difference?

Well, this post will tell you everything you need to know so you don’t make a wrong purchase. You’ll know exactly which is which, and ultimately, which BedJet is most beneficial for you.

Sound good?

Before we get into it though, if you already want a BedJet V2, you can head over to my full BedJet V2 Review now.

And if you want the BedJet V1, I don’t have a review post for that one.


You’re about to find out now.

BedJet V1 VS V2: What’s The Difference?

The BedJet V1 and V2 are completely identical, except for two things.

bedjet v2 vs bedjet v1BedJet V1 and V2 are the same exact unit

For one, the BedJet V2 has the advanced biorhythm sleep technology that the V1 doesn’t. And secondly, it also includes a complimentary aromatherapy kit — two things you want if you’re trying to get the best sleep results.

Other than that, they’re the same machine, same packaging, with the same incredible climate comfort system.

Now, the real question is whether you need the biorhythm sleep technology.

After all, restless customers of this product know that’s what makes the BedJet V2, THE BedJet V2 (the aromatherapy kit is an added bonus).

Why You Need Biorhythm Sleep Technology

It’s science — our body tells us when and when not to sleep. It’s called our circadian rhythm. How does it do this? By producing hormones (melatonin especially), and by doing something else you probably didn’t know…

When it’s time to go to sleep, your body temperature drops. And when it’s time to wake up, it rises.

This is important.

Because if you can’t align the temperature of your bed with your body’s — which you simply can’t do without something like the BedJet V2 — you’ll suffer from bad sleep.

Here’s what I mean…

bedjet v1 vs v2Biorhythm Sleep Technology matches the temperature of your bed to your body’s

Take a look at this chart. It’s the average person’s change in body temperature throughout the day.

As you can see, at around 8pm, your body temperature drops. You want to match this with the temperature of your bed.

Then at around 6am, your temperature is at its lowest and starts rising. You want to match this too by waking up to a warmer bed.

It might sound complicated. But even if you don’t understand the above, the BedJet V2 can handle this for you…

Brain For Your Bed

The BedJet V2’s biorhythm technology is accessed via their free app (Apple/Google).

bedjet v1BedJet V2 biorhythm feature

On there, you’ll be able to customize the temperature of your bed by the hour, all night long, so that it matches the natural rise and fall of your body’s temperature during sleep. Or whatever feels good to you. Not everyone is the same.

But if you don’t know where to start, don’t worry…

The app has a preset schedule for you to use (just tap “Biorhythm Cycle Suggest”)

And when the time comes, the BedJet will automatically cool or heat according to its settings. It’s like a brain for your bed.

No air conditioner, heater, or any other product, as far as I’m concerned, can do this. Only the BedJet V2 (not the BedJet V1).

Just imagine how much better you can sleep now by hopping into a cool bed at night, and waking up to a cozy warm breeze to start your morning. Instead of having to deal with an annoyingly hot bed from start to finish.

Aromatherapy Kit

Along with the BedJet V2’s advanced technology, it also comes with an aromatherapy kit.

It’s a unique addition that the BedJet V1 does not have.

This kit allows you to fill your bed with a relaxing and calming scent to help put you to sleep. Although you’ll need to buy the aromatherapy oils yourself, this is taking sleep up a level if you’re ready for it.

This kit is a diffuser filter and mounting clip. It conveniently goes on the nozzle of the BedJet V2 for direct circulation.

bedjet v2 vs v1Reusable and washable with water and soap

All you do is put a few drops of a sleep-inducing oil (like lavender) onto the filter. Then, as you jump into bed, you’ll be greeted with a wonderful scent that relaxes your entire mind, body, and soul for a deep restful night of sleep.

Definitely not mandatory. But if you want to reward and pamper yourself down after a long day, this is just what you’re looking for.

So not only is the BedJet V2 a climate comfort system for your bed, it also acts as an essential oil diffuser.

BedJet V1 VS V2: Which One Should You Buy

It depends. How much do you really need better sleep?

Do you almost always wake up groggy and tired? Do you hate waking up in the middle of the night?

If you said yes, then you want to get a BedJet V2.

bedjet v1 vs bedjet v2BedJet V2 is more advanced than the BedJet V1

With its biorhythm sleep technology and aromatherapy kit, you can experience a night of sleep like never before.

The BedJet V1 can too, but not to the extent the BedJet V2 can with its exclusive features.

When you try the V2, there’s no going back to the old ways of sleeping. Imagine going back to a normal bed, after sleeping in one that warms/cools throughout the night JUST FOR YOU…

It just won’t happen.

Costing only $40 more than the BedJet V1, the advanced biorhythm technology and aromatherapy kit is a bargain.

So don’t waste a second.

Click here now to get your BedJet V2 (FREE shipping)

Or click here to get a BedJet V1 (FREE shipping)

Again, both units are the exact same except for the two things mentioned above.

P.S. The BedJet V1 and BedJet V2 are both covered by their 2-year limited warranty and 60-day money-back guarantee.

P.P.S. You can read my full BedJet V2 review here.