5 Ways The BedJet V2 Improves Your Sleep & Life

The BedJet has come a long way. From appearing on ABC’s Shark Tank, and now in hundreds and thousands of people’s bedroom, there’s a reason why the BedJet is loved by so many — it improves sleep and overall well-being. This post will show you 5 ways how it does just that.

I’ve mentioned the BedJet a lot here.

One of the main reasons is because it’s a lot more than just a cooling/heating system for your bed.

It can literally transform your life entirely if used correctly.

Here’s how…

1. The BedJet Matches Your Circadian Rhythm

As far as I know, there’s nothing else like this. There’s no other product on the market right now that has this type of technology.

Except for the BedJet (the BedJet V2 specifically).

Now, if you’ve tried sleeping with other bed cooling/heating systems, you might find  they work. But not to the point where it blew you away. Why? Because they can only cool/heat your bed at one constant temperature the entire night.

And this can be a problem. For example, if you want a cool bed to sleep in, you can do that. But you most likely don’t want to wake up to that same temperature. You probably want a warm bed (especially since it’s colder in the mornings).

This is where BedJet’s Biorhythm Sleep Technology comes in…

It allows you to sleep in a cool bed, wake up to a warm bed, and even adjust everything in between. Now, this isn’t just some random thing. It’s all based off your circadian rhythm — your body’s internal “clock” which directly affects your body’s core temperature.

bedjetThe BedJet matches your bed temperature with your body’s

As you can see, around 9pm your body’s temperature starts dropping. And by 3am, it begins to rise again until 9am, back to where you started. For optimal sleep, you want your bed’s temperature to match your body’s. And to do that, all you have to do is use the BedJet app.

bedjet v2

They already have a preset temperature to match the typical body temperature changes. But this isn’t always going to work for everyone. Luckily, you can adjust this to your preferred temperature by the hour. Then with some testing, you’ll find the perfect setting to go to sleep to for the rest of your life.

2. The BedJet Makes Sleeping And Waking Up Easier

Continuing with the above, the BedJet Biorhythm Sleep Technology also makes sleeping and waking up easier.

A problem most people have. Maybe even you.

If you suffer from insomnia and it takes you 20, 30, 40 minutes to actually fall asleep and STAY ASLEEP, then you know first-hand how annoying and stressful it can be. And if you’ve ever woken up yet still felt tired, groggy, and unable to physically get up, the BedJet might be what finally changes all of this.

Falling asleep and waking up well-rested is dependent on how you sleep throughout the entire night. And as you just saw, the BedJet allows you to optimize this.

Before falling asleep, the BedJet can cool/warm your bed to make that happen almost instantly. Then while you’re asleep, the BedJet can cool/warm your bed so you can experience deep sleep. And as you’re about to wake up, it can cool/warm your bed to cue your body that it’s time to get up.

Compare that to sleeping on a normal bed that’s in combat with your body’s natural temperature…

3. The BedJet Prevents Waking Up At Midnight

To make this come full circle, the BedJet Biorhythm Sleep Technology can also stop you from constantly waking up in the middle of the night.

Aside from having to go to the bathroom, your diet that particular day, and stress (see point #4), the BedJet solves one of the most common causes for midnight-wake-ups — overheating.

Again, from the chart, you can see your body cools down in the middle of the night. This is also the time where your bed and pillow starts to get too hot because of your body heat. It’s why you’ll find yourself tossing and turning, and constantly flipping your pillow. You’re trying to find the cool spots.

With the BedJet you can stop this though. Just set it to cool your bed during those midnight hours.

4. The BedJet Eliminates Stress For Better Rest

Like I said above, stress plays a big part when it comes to sleep. In fact, it impacts your everyday life.

But with the BedJet you can easily reduce this burden that haunts your waking life, to make sleeping much easier and rejuvenating.


With BedJet’s aromatherapy diffuser kit.

bedjet diffuser

Included in each BedJet V2, are diffuser filters that attach inside the air nozzle. Simply add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (lavender is great for relieving stress), and you’re set.

Now, when you power on your BedJet, not only will your bed be at your desired temperature, but once you hop in, you’ll also get a soothing whiff of your calming, stress-relieving aroma of choice.

Sending a constant, gentle stream where needed most — your bed — the BedJet can even freshen up your sheets for the next night of sleep.

5. The BedJet Can Save You Money

It’s obvious.

What’s going to cost you more money?

Cooling/heating the entire house so you can feel more comfortable in bed, or simply cooling/heating your bed?

Of course the second option.

And that’s what the BedJet does. Plus, you’re only going to use it when you’re about to go to sleep.

Compare that to raising the thermostat in your home and waiting 30-60 minutes to feel the difference. Instead, you can even lower it, and let your low-powered BedJet do the work.

On cooling mode, it uses 40 watts. On heating mode, it uses 150 watts. And on Turbo-Heat (a fast 10-minute setting to quickly warm your bed), it uses 1500 watts.

Final Words

The BedJet is exceptional when it comes to sleep.

And it almost all comes down to its Biorhythm Sleep Technology.

With customizable, personalized sleep settings backed by science, it’s almost impossible not to see better sleep results when you get the BedJet.

P.S. To learn more, you can click here to read my full review. Or if you want to get yours now and experience the benefits above, click here to view the it on their website.