Bulletproof Sleep Induction Mat Review (Does It Work?)

You won’t believe this. But what if I told you lying on a bed of spikes helps you sleep better? Now before you write me off as a whacko, hundreds of people do this today and it’s based on an age-old traditional Chinese medicine.

If you guessed acupuncture, you’re right.

Acupuncture is where your practitioner sticks multiple needles into your body at specific “acupressure points” to help alleviate pain, tension, and improve overall health.

But don’t worry, that’s not what you’re about to get yourself into…

What you will be doing is lying on a mat. Simple enough right? However, this mat will be covered in thousands of little spikes to stimulate all the acupressure points from the bottom of your back, to the top of your neck.

Sound crazy?

Well this Bulletproof Sleep Induction Mat Review will show you why you might to start using it now, especially if you’re suffering from poor sleep and always wake up tired.

But before we get into it, does it really work?

Ancient Chinese Tradition

Now I’m not going to go into the history of acupuncture and its beliefs and benefits. But this is worth considering…

bulletproof sleep induction matBulletproof Sleep Induction Mat is based off of acupuncture

If something lasts thousands and thousands of years, wouldn’t you think it works then?

Acupuncture has been around since 100BC and is still used today.

Is this just some coincidence?

Wouldn’t people stop using it if it didn’t work?

You may think people are just foolish and are tricked into believing the pseudoscience behind it, or that it’s just a placebo effect. And you might be right. But look: if it’s gotten people results for thousands of years, then you’re probably going to get the same.

Not many things in this world lasted as long as acupuncture.

And this Bulletproof Sleep Induction Mat is based entirely on this age-old, semi-foolproof tradition. Luckily, you won’t have to stick needles into yourself to get the same effect.

Many people who’ve used this already turned it into a daily before-bed routine and swear by it.


Keep reading.

“Feel-Good” Hormone Producer

The way this Sleep Induction Mat works will sound weird to most. How could pain possibly cause you to sleep and feel better? It’s science…

bulletproof sleep induction mat reviewsPlastic spikes cause a release of “feel-good” hormones

This mat works the same way as lifting weights.

When you exercise, you put yourself through stress and pain. Obviously, there’s no arguing about the health effects of exercise. But why is it that you always feel better after a painful workout?

Here’s the answer…

When you’re under stress or pain, you’re body releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are a “feel-good” hormone — it reduces pain, relieves stress and anxiety, improve overall moods, and most importantly, regulate your sleep.

Like exercising, this mat creates a similar stress/pain signal for your brain to release more of these “feel-good” chemicals right before bed — when you need it most.

So can you now imagine what it’s like going to sleep after lying down on this mat?

Click here to try yours now

Just 10 Minutes Before Bed

It takes just 10 minutes.

When you first get your Bulletproof Sleep Induction Mat, lay it out straight on your floor or bed. Then slowly lay your back on it. You might want to start out with a thin towel or shirt to reduce the intensity.

Now, just lay there for 10 minutes.

bulletproof sleep induction mat reviewBack of the mat contains inspirational quotes to stay consistent

At first, it will hurt. But that’s what we’re looking for, remember? You want the pain to trigger your body to release those “feel-good” chemicals. Then, you’ll start to feel your back flood with warmth. This is a sign of increased blood circulation which causes the boost of endorphins.

After those first few minutes of pain, you’ll be rewarded with an overwhelming feeling of relaxation. The pain melts away and all tension is released.

You’re now ready for bed.

After 10 minutes, roll off the mat and hop in bed. What you’ll find is your bed feels 10 times more comfortable, your body relaxed, your mind calm, and before you know it, you fall straight to sleep for a deep night’s rest.

But it doesn’t just stop there…

When you wake up, you’ll be filled with energy as a result of your improved quality of sleep.

Do this every night before bed. Then slowly climb your way to 30-40 minutes of lying down on this mat. From there is when you can really get an incredible night of sleep.

Click here to start using this mat today

Everyday Use

The Bulletproof Sleep Induction Mat isn’t only for bedtime. It can be used at any time of day, for many different reasons.

Weighing only 1.4 pounds, 18 inches wide and about 31 inches long, this mat is easy to bring with you anywhere. This way, you can whip it out whenever you want to use it.

Whether it be for:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Boosting/recharging energy levels
  • Releasing tension and pain
  • Relaxation or massaging
  • Improving your moodOVERVIEW & BENEFITS

… this mat does it all in just 10 minutes.

Made of the highest quality 100% organic cloth material (hemp and cotton), with non-toxic recyclable ABS plastic, it’s also safe to use for almost any part of your body.

sleep induction matRoll up the mat to lie your neck on it

Other than your back, you can lie down on your stomach, the side of your face, or even on your neck with the mat rolled up, to give yourself a full-body massage.

Bulletproof Sleep Induction Mat Review

The Bulletproof Sleep Induction Mat is no joke. It’s a self-stimulating relaxation tool that just after one use, you’ll start loving the pain and the wonderful relaxation that follows it.

Best of all, it doesn’t take long to experience the effects.

It is a weird thing though.

bulletproof sleep induction matIf other people ask about it and find out you sleep on a mat to sting yourself to sleep, you’re guaranteed a shock on their face.

But don’t worry…

Let them have a try at it and just watch as they’re doubts turn into praise.

This Bulletproof Sleep Induction Mat is the best way to activate specific acupressure points and meridians along your spine and shoulders to boost relaxation and restfulness. And don’t forget, the more you use it, the longer you’ll stay on, and the better your sleep quality.

So don’t waste another second…

Click here to get your mat today!

P.S. If you are 18 years or younger, pregnant or lactating, on medication (including blood pressure medication), have a medical condition, or are allergic to any listed ingredients, please consult your health care practitioner before using your mat.