Foobot Review: Use THIS To See If Your House Is Filled With Chemicals!

You know what pollution is. The first thing that probably pops in your head is a big factory blowing a large cloud of smoke. And that smoke contaminates the air for everyone to inhale into their lungs.

But what if I said your house was just as (or more) polluted than outside?


The place you spend the majority of your life in. The place that’s almost completely shutoff from the outdoors. And the place that gives you and your family safety and protection.

Well, it turns out this isn’t as true as it may be.

Studies have shown that homes can be breeding grounds for all kinds of pollutants — even more so than outdoors! About 5 times as bad to be exact.

Now you might be thinking how can they tell? Or more importantly, how can you tell if your home is filled to the roof with chemicals floating around?

Foobot — a high-tech device built with multiple sensors — can help you do just that. But before I tell you more, you need to know this…

What the Foobot Is NOT

foobot reviews

In a few words, the Foobot is an air quality monitor.

It’s not an air purifier, humidifier, or dehumidifier.

In fact, it does nothing to directly affect the quality of air in your home. This is where many people mistake it for what it’s not and get disappointed. Which is why I’m telling you upfront now.

But this doesn’t mean it’s useless. Far from it.

The Foobot is actually mandatory if you really want to free your house from different allergens and pollutants..


Here’s why…

Why You Need A Foobot

Imagine for a second you’re home’s air is contaminated. You can tell by the coughing, sneezing, allergies, and discomfort you feel in your eyes, nose, throat, and stomach. So you go and buy a brand new air purifier.

Excited to try out your new toy, you blast it on in hopes it makes you feel better.

And it does!

But how do you know if it’s because of your air purifier? How will you know if it even works at eliminating dust, chemicals, and the like if it doesn’t show you how much is currently in the air?

That’s right, you can’t!

Now, I’m not suggesting air purifiers are useless here. But it is when you don’t have an air quality monitor to show you how effective it is.

Are you beginning to realize how crucial a device like Foobot is?

Without one, it’s like throwing a dart blindfolded. You won’t know what problem (bullseye) you need to solve (hit).

But with the Foobot, you’ll know exactly what’s causing you allergies, asthma, and discomfort…

Click here to get your Foobot now on Amazon

Setting Up The Foobot

Setup takes no more than a few minutes. And good news is you don’t have to be technologically advanced to know how to use it.

All you have to do is plug it in, download their free app, and sync your phone to your Foobot.

From there, it’ll automatically get to work.


The Foobot is a cylinder filled with several advanced sensors to measure 4 key factors that affect your air quality:

  • VOC (volatile organic compounds)
  • PM 2.5 (particulate matter of 2.5 micrometers)
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Humidity
  • Temperature

Why these things?

I’ll tell you in a second.

First, let’s take a look inside the app to learn how it works…

Foobot App

The Foobot app is free and available both in the Apple Store and Google Play.

On there is where all the magic happens.

The Foobot itself is only the tip of the iceberg. When you go to the app, you’re welcomed with a colorful and user-friendly interface.

foobot appFoobot app’s main screen

As you can see, everything is right there for you. With just a glance, you can find the temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, particulate matter, and volatile compound levels.

But most importantly, in the middle of all this is an air quality score generated by the app itself.

The lower the better. And the higher, the worse.

But that’s not all…

foobot reviewFoobot app provides tips

The app also gives you tips on how to get each factor to a healthy level. Just tap on what you want to learn more about and it’ll take you to the page above. With actionable advice directly shown on your smartphone, you can quickly purify your air before it gets too bad.

But this is still not all…

Click here to get your Foobot now on Amazon

foobot air quality monitorFoobot app keeps track of measurements over time

If you tap the bottom arrow on the main screen, it’ll take you to this page above. Here, you can learn how your air quality has gotten better (or worse) over the past minute, hour, day, and week.

There’s also a vertical line drawn down the middle of the screen. This is WHO’s recommended threshold before values start to be dangerous for your health. You want to remain behind it on all readings (clearly, the person above isn’t doing a great job).

This is still just the beginning though…

foobot air quality monitor review

The Foobot app also let’s you tag certain time stamps. Why do that? Because if you find a spike in a measurement, it could’ve been because you were cleaning. Not because of a random event. This lets you know there isn’t something you don’t know about that needs to be solved.

Foobot Measurements

By now, you know how helpful using the Foobot app can really be. But you’re probably still wondering why the Foobot measures what it does.

Here’s why…

Starting with VOC (volatile organic compounds), this is your toxic chemicals. Common ways it can be found in homes is from plants, animals, mold, paint, sprays, and even in some furniture. If this is too high, you can expect to feel sick, nauseous, and experience headaches.

Next, the Foobot measures PM 2.5 (particulate matter of 2.5 micrometers). This is your dust, ash, aerosols, and fumes which your body can’t filter. At extreme levels, this can lead to asthma, lung cancer, and other respiratory diseases.

The Foobot also measures carbon dioxide. Although there’s no specific sensor for this measurement (it’s determined by VOC levels) because it’s a direct result of having too many people in one room, it can be dangerous if too high.

Lastly, the Foobot measures humidity and temperature. Two things which directly affect the growth or reduction of bacteria, viruses, and chemicals. Kept at a healthy level, and you can drastically improve your air quality.

Foobot Review

The Foobot is a must-have if you want to not only improve the air quality in your home, but also your health.

Everything it measures will have a dangerous effect on your day-to-day life if not taken care of. With the Foobot, you’ll know exactly what needs fixing and how to fix it. This lets you get the most out of your air quality devices like humidifiers, air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and more.

foobot review

Without a Foobot, you may as well toss those things out because you have no idea if it’s really helping or not.

But once you start using this, you can start experiencing better health, fewer allergies, and more restful sleep.

All you need to do is plug it in, and keep an eye on its bright LED light. If it starts turning orange, you’ll know your air quality is poor. However, if it’s blue, you can have peace of mind and continue with the rest of your day.

So if you’re ready to get a grip on your home, your safe space, and your health,

Click here to get your Foobot now on Amazon

P.S. When you order, you’re covered by a full 30-day money back guarantee and a long 1-year warranty!